A new study looked at how social media affects our mental health. The researchers compared people who stopped using social media for a week with people who kept using it. People who took a week off found that their mental health improved.

The researchers looked at how well people felt, how depressed and anxious they were, and how much they used social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Two groups of 154 people, with an average age of 29.6 years, were made. Half of them had to stop using social media for a week, while the other half could keep doing what they were doing. Using apps that track screen time, the researchers kept track of how much time the participants spent on social media.

Less anxiety and depression by a significant amount

At the study's beginning, the participants filled out a questionnaire about their anxiety, depression, and overall health. They answered the same questions again after a week.

The study found that taking a week off from social media significantly affected how well people felt, how depressed, and how anxious they were. Previous research has shown that taking a short break from social media can improve well-being and make depression less severe.

David Gronte, a senior psychiatrist, says that people who stay away from social media tend to feel better emotionally and have less anxiety. 

"Social media is a part of the world, and we can't leave the world out," says David Gronte. "But it's good to know that taking a break from social apps can help you get out of emotional lows that everyone sometimes feels."


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